
He broke the lease!

Dear Diary,

John Hopson Windover was born on August 12 at 3:33 pm, weighing 6 lbs 1 oz! He was five weeks early but is fine and only had to stay in the NICU a few hours for observation. He is cute and sleepy and occasionally hungry, but mostly sleepy, so I spend a lot of time annoying him so he'll wake up and eat.

I have no pictures because I can't find the stupid cable, a situation I hope to remedy soon. Edwin has been very sweet to his brother. We have only had one punching incident, but it was totally an accident and John slept right through it.

My labor was 11.5 hours from start to finish and wow, was it boring being in the delivery room all that time. Good thing there was an Anthony Bourdain marathon on tv and a chatty nurse. Anyway, labor was long and boring until I finally got to 9.5 centimeters, when it became fast and very, very painful. Thankfully delivery was quick. Oh, don't get me wrong, I had an epidural. But it didn't take on my left side and I didn't want to top it off because I wanted it over with and when you feel like you are being ripped in half that really helps you to push harder. Et voila!

We are so happy he's here! He is sweet, and though I never expected a preemie, I was ALL DONE with being pregnant so it all worked out. The BHE thinks John's pretty cool too.



Claudia B. said...


Melissa said...

Congrats! Glad he's OK in spite of being a little early!

Lori said...


Nicole R. said...

How exciting! Congratulations to you and your family. Can't wait to see a picture...

CaraBee said...

Congrats! And welcome John!